Ebook for your UPSC journey with the least price.

Beginning with zero most important. No one can start with other than zero, because everyone has to take the first step with self faith. Know on can be great without great knowledge.
Here some ebook for your UPSC journey with the least price.

Why this is is at a low price?

I think the seller knows how much time, effort, and money this exam is demanding. They can’t wear your struggling pain, But they can give you some relief from the stress of money with hoping you will improve our society with your thinking, learning, and your belief. So they want a part of this improvement.

1.Oxford school atlas- Rs 60/-

2.Cert. of Physical and Human Geog. GC Leong- Rs 60/-

3.India’s Ancient Past by R. S. Sharma:- Rs 60/-

4.History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra- Rs 60/-

5.From Plassey to Partition Sekhar Bandhopadhyay- Rs 60/-

6.India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipin Chandra- Rs 60/-

7.Shankar Environment- Rs 60/-

Other books like India after Gandhi, ETC are also available. You can directly ask from the seller Throughout the Instagram DM.



Instagram:- thelifestories_

*Copyright disclaimer-
I have not checked the authenticity of the ebook and seller. I have asked from the seller regarding the issue as per the statement they are not violating the copyright rules.
Sources of awareness:-


Also confirmed from seller

Other responsibilities, delivery, refund, and ETC.
All policies and guidelines are created by the seller. I am not part of any policy, guideline, selling, and no relation to anything. I am just referring to you for your easiness. If are you finding like anything.
*I am not promoting any piracy campaign as per my knowledge.

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